Adding a TMG rating
- EASA LAPL(S) or SPL - You qualify for this if you have a Bronze & XC Endorsement
- EASA LAPL or Class 2 Medical - If you go for an SPL you'll need a class 2. Most people only need a LAPL.
Course Content
- 6 hours of flight instruction in a TMG - Including at least 4 hours dual instruction.
- 1 Solo cross country flight of at least 80nm, during which 1 full-stop landing at an aerodrome different to the aerodrome of departure shall be performed.
- A skills test to demonstrate an adequate level of practical skill in a TMG
- During the skills test, the applicant shall also demonstrate to the examiner an adequate level of theoretical knowledge for the TMG in the following subjects: Principles of flight, Operational procedures, Flight performance and planning, Aircraft general knowledge, Navigation.See FCL.135.S LAPL(S) for full details.
BGA DTO course programme - TMG extension
The very minimum amount of flying that you need to do in total is 7 hours, although bank on more than this if you are unfamiliar with powered operations.
Getting a medical
Dr Trevor White
Nuffield Centre in Jesmond
07792 278 811
Keeping Current
You must have completed over the previous 24 months;
- 12 hours of flight time as PIC, including 12 take-offs and landings
- Refresher training of at least 1 hour with a flight instructor
If you do not meet these requirements you will need to:
- Complete a proficiency check on a TMG with an examiner before you exercise the privileges of your license; or
- Complete the additional flight time or take-offs and landings to meet the requirements above flying dual or solo under the supervision of an instructor.