Becoming a Member
The first step to becoming a member of our club is to visit us on a flying day and have a trial flight. This will also give you the opportunity to have a look around and meet our members.
It is advisable to give us a call before setting off to ensure that the weather is suitable for flying in order to save you a wasted journey – although being a social bunch you’ll probably still find us sat around in the club house enjoying a coffee even if the weather is bad!
At this stage, one of our members will be able to point you towards an instructor or committee member who will be happy to answer any further questions you have about joining. It really isn’t any more complicated than filling in an application form, paying your membership fees and enjoying some gliding.
As a member, each morning you’ll need to add your name to the flying list. This ensures that instruction is provided on a first come, first served basis – any club member will be happy to show you how to do this. We do appreciate that people lead busy lives, but as a general rule we appreciate it if members can either be here to help get the kit out first thing in the morning, or if they arrive later in the day, that they stay and help put the kit away again. As we are all members and volunteers, the more we put into the it, the more we all get out of it. After all, many hands make light work!